student holding thought bubbles

Communication Student Senior Design Projects

Strategic Communication and Multiplatform Journalism

The senior design project is a semester-long project that requires the presentation and development of a real-world team project. Students design and produce a communication project from conception to completion. Elements include writing a proposal, conducting research, and developing a strategic plan. The senior design project culminates with a communication plan presented to a client or a documentary or other media production premiered to the public.

6-eleven Productions channel is the showcase for student productions from Florida Institute of Technology's Communication Programs. Students also have the opportunity to present the senior design project at Florida Tech’s senior design showcase in the spring semester. Previous senior design projects include the development of a strategic plan for the internationalization of college campuses, and a campaign to educate campus about Title IX. Students have also produced several documentaries including one created for Larsen Motorsports, and another focusing on Dr. Johnson’s Lab, a Florida Tech group studying the Indian River Lagoon.

Graduate Theses and Design Projects

Graduate students who choose the thesis or design project option to complete their degrees have the opportunity to conduct a traditional, research-based analysis (thesis), or produce an extended problem-solving communication project for a client (design project). Theses typically address timely communication topics related to strategic or mass communication. The design project involves a needs assessment, research, and development of a communication plan or media production.

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